Infesting Hordes can also target and infest player Outposts, thus mitigating all benefits from that Outpost.

Infesting Hordes actually take or add to the zombies at a location, meaning an Infestation that sends out an Infesting Horde will lower its Severity, while an Infestation that gains a new Infesting Horde will increase its Severity.Stronger Infestations can send out Infesting Hordes to create new Infestations, begin establishing Siege Sites, or strengthen an existing Siege Site in preparation for an attack.All Infestations have Severity levels, which refer to the number of Screamers at that Infestation.Infesting Hordes will roam the map at the behest of its controlling Plague Heart, seeking a suitable location to create an Infestation.These hubs of zombie activity no longer randomly and sporadically sprout up around the map, and are instead deliberately created by Infesting Hordes, which are led by Screamers and controlled by Plague Hearts. The only way to stop this ceaseless onslaught of zombies for good is to destroy the Plague Heart at the center of it all.The more player activity in an area or the louder their Base, the more Infesting Hordes will be created and the faster Infestations will appear.Once Infestations are strong enough, Plague Hearts will use those Infestations to build Siege Sites, which will eventually attack your Base with waves of deadly Infesting Hordes.Once a Plague Heart is awakened, it will begin amassing and controlling Infesting Hordes via Screamers, sending them out to begin and build up Infestations.Plague Hearts will begin as dormant on a new map, with various actions players taking in their territory slowly awakening the Plague Hearts.

These pulsating masses of grotesque zombie matter lay at the heart of the zombie apocalypse, but now the threat they pose is even more specific and gradual. You can read the full changelog linked above, but here's an overview of the largest changes: With the Heart Attack update, State of Decay 2's world will become more terrifying and feel more real, thanks to major changes to several core mechanics.

State of Decay 2 Update 33 "Heart Attack" is busy rolling out to players, and it brings the final form of feature overhauls teased early in 2022, when Undead Labs made it clear there was a lot more heading to State of Decay 2 in the future.